Turbobit Premium Account Review - Your File Storage Solution

In 2013, after the collapse of Oron and the general crisis in file sharing, the popular TurboBit file hosting service has created a new partner program that provides webmasters and ordinary users the opportunity to profit off of downloading files, selling services, and attracting referrals to the project. In the main, it was geared towards the CIS and to a lesser extent foreign audience. Turbobit is a free webspace to upload files, store, share your files with your other people, friends Provide them links to your files or download from other users using their links.

If you want to find out more (tools, know-how), click on one of the links: https://turbobit.me

Turbobit Premium Account Prices

Premium Access prices are reasonable, as are the services provided. However, there is no reason to expect much from the CIS-focused file sharing service. At a time when Google and users require data protection from websites (credit card numbers, personal data, etc.), the greed of the owners of this business may come as a surprise.

Turbobit Operation With Files

TurboBit users can use the following services:

  • Data from statistics
  • Uploading files in a browser
  • Function for Link Checking
  • Multi-boot loader is a download manager that is used to work with uploaded files (FTP, browser, via links from a torrent tracker or other FSS)
  • There is also an app that allows you to download files directly from your desktop to your account.

Turbobit Terms With Their Partner

This file-sharing service offers a variety of tariffs from which you can select the one that is best for you, such as:

Tariff for ALL INCLUSIVE pay-as-you-go

It is the PPD-tariff, which allows you to earn up to $ 20 for 1000 downloads. In this tariff, the size of the downloaded file is important; the larger the size, the better.

For more information on the ALL-INCLUSIVE tariff:

  • Accounts are counted for unique downloads.
  • Downloads that are incomplete are also counted.
  • Traffic from various countries is accepted.
  • There is no file size limit for free download.
  • Tariff Combination
  • This tariff accounts for both sales and downloads. You can earn up to $7 for 1000 downloads + 40% from sales + 30% from rebills.

Tariff for Premium Sales

The Premium Sales tariff compensates you for selling premium access to users – you will receive 60% for each sale and 40% for renewal (rebill):

> A large number of payment methods, and several merchants for credit card receipt automatic credit card subscriptions and various mobile subscriptions (Wap, SMS, internet +, etc.)
> Credit card auto-subscriptions and a variety of mobile subscriptions (SMS, wap, internet +, etc.)
> Regardless of whether the user has deleted cookies, the source file, or other factors, all subsequent rebills are paid at any time in the future.


TurboBit file hosting service that allows for file access from anywhere. This is accomplished by allowing users to upload any files to their respective remote storage on the servers. Users can access their files whenever they want as long as they have access to the internet. The company provides a premium service that can be purchased at a low cost.

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